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indiana army national guard

Indiana Army National Guard - The Indiana National Guard (INNG) is the Armed Forces of the United States; It is part of the United States National Guard and the Military Department of Indiana (MDI). It includes the Indiana Army National Guard; It includes the Indiana Air National Guard and the Office of the Adjutant General.

The Indiana National Guard trains and trains as part of the United States Army and Air Force. Using the same ranks and insignia, the National Guard is eligible to receive all United States military awards. INGING also presents several state awards for local services provided in the state of Indiana.

Indiana Army National Guard

Indiana Army National Guard

The Indiana National Guard consists of 14,000 Soldiers and Airmen at Army National Guard arsenals across the state; It maintains training facilities at Camp Atterbury-Muscatatuck and Air Force wings in Fort Wayne and Terre Haute. In times of peace, the National Guard is commanded by the Governor. In its provincial role, the National Guard assists local law enforcement during emergencies under the direction of the governor. soldiers across the state; The deployment of equipment and facilities allows the National Guard to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies across the country.

Indiana National Guard Commander Visits Slovakia

In times of national emergency, the President of the United States may call members of the National Guard to active federal service. The dual-state mission of the National Guard is unique to the US military and distinguishes the National Guard from other reserve components.

Indiana Guard Reserve; Additional military force authorized by Indiana State Code and Executive Order.

The IGR considers the state mission of the Indiana National Guard to be federally organized.

Multicolored garlands The Badge used for the Indiana Army National Guard Fields showing a demi-lion rampant Argt.

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The roots of the Indiana National Guard begin before the North American Indepdce. Around the time of the Beaver Wars, Frch colonists established trading posts and villages and organized militias to protect them. modern Indiana when the American Revolutionary War began; A large number of militia from Illinois and Ktucky declared for the United States against the British. To show his support, militia captain François Riday Busseron commissioned Indiana's first American flag in 1778.

In February 1779, the South Indian militia, assisted by native George Rogers Clark and Piankeshaw, captured Fort Sackville, an important British fort on the Ohio River.

After the American victory in the Revolutionary War, on July 25, 1788, the first governor of the newly acquired Northwest Territory, Arthur St. Clair, a law to establish the militia of the territory as the official armed forces of the United States.

Indiana Army National Guard

However, the Northwest Territory was difficult to conquer because the local Miami and Shawnee tribes were against the United States. Many American generals, fresh from their victory over Britain, rushed to launch the Northwest Indian War and devoted themselves to defeating any resistance to the rapidly expanding American forces. The war started badly for the United States, and as the United States continued to fight in the 1790 Harmar Campaign and the 1791 St. Clair suffered two devastating defeats - to this day the most decisive defeat in US military history.

Indiana Army National Guard Col. Felicia Brokaw Presents Lt. Col. Walter Finney With A Gift During His Retirement Ceremony At The Cyclone Division Armory In Indianapolis, Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. Finney Retired

Harmar and St. After Clair's failure, General Anthony Wayne reorganized the Continental Army and named his unit the United States Legion. Wayne broke the American fortunes with his decisive victory at the Battle of Fall Timbers in 1794 and his army marched into the Northwest Territory. After the victory, he marched into Indiana, Fort Wayne; Indiana was founded.

After being admitted to Ohio, they broke up the Northwest Territory and occupied the Indiana Territory in 1800. The Indiana National Guard traces its uninterrupted history to 1801, when Indiana's first governor, William Hry Harrison, organized a Corps Indiana and encouraged the settlers to oppose them. Aggressive actions by Native Americans in the area. Years later, in 1807, Harrison founded the Indiana Rangers, modeling them after the troops used by General Wayne at the Battle of Fall Timbers. Indiana Legion, Louisville; The Rangers were tasked with protecting the Buffalo trail, the main transportation route between Ktucky and Vincnes, for all settlements in the area.

This period of Indiana history was extremely dangerous as the Shawnee leader Tecumseh wanted to unite the tribes of the Indiana Territory and drive out the Americans. Tsions led Harrison's 1,000 Indiana Legion to attack Tecumseh's capital, Prophetstown. Outside the prophet's home, early in the morning of November 7, 1811, the garrison was ambushed. The Legion and the Rangers held their ground for two hours before defeating the ambush and setting Paddy Town on fire. At the same time as the War of 1812, Harrison and the Indiana Legion continued to fight against Tecumeh's Confederacy, following them to Canada and participating in Tecumseh's final victory. The Legion continued to fight the British in Canada until the end of the war in 1815.

Alas, Corydon, of Vincnes, the capital of Indiana; Most of the documents related to the Indiana Legion were lost during the move to Indiana and then to Indianapolis. In one unfortunate incident, janitors sold official Legion papers as "junk paper."

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Indiana units were formally called into federal service for the first time in 1846 when they participated in the Mexican-American War. General Joseph Lane's Indiana Brigade played an important role on the left flank of the American army at the Battle of Bua Vista, a critical battle that cut off the Mexican army and resisted a swift Mexican invasion.

Abraham Lincoln's call to federal service against the Confederacy was answered in Indiana. Governor Oliver P. Morton of Indiana, famously known as one of "Lincoln's war governors", pledged Indiana's unequivocal support for the Union. Indiana fielded more than 200,000 soldiers during the war, and some of the most famous units of the Indiana Army included the Iron Brigade; He served in some of the most famous units, including the Lightning Brigade and Colonel Eli Lilly's 18th Indiana Battery of Light Artillery. Indiana units averaged about 35 percent during the war. With many Hoosiers serving in the Union Army; He took part in the Battle of Corydon and revived the Indiana Legion to defend the town front. After the war, the Indiana Corps organized the Indiana National Guard in 1895.

The Indiana National Guard took part in its first overseas operation in the Spanish-American War, taking part in the occupation of the Philippines. After the war, the Militia Act of 1903 consolidated militias from various states into a national guard system, allowing state forces to easily upgrade their professionalism and training qualifications to federal ones. Fort Benjamin Harrison was established in 1906 as a Regular Army post north of Indianapolis and the headquarters of the Indiana Army National Guard. In 1916, the Indiana Guard was assembled to patrol the Mexican border as part of the Mexican Border War. The following year, 1917, the Indiana Guard entered the United States in World War I, creating the modern Indiana National Guard organization, and this year the 38th Infantry Division was stationed at Camp Shelby. MS and Camp Shelby; Based in MS. The 113th Aero Squadron was the predecessor of the 181st Intelligence Wing. The 150th Field Artillery Regiment, which succeeded Eli Lilly's 18th Battery of Light Artillery, saw major action in 1918 under the command of Indiana Leged Robert Tyndall, later mayor of Indianapolis. Robert Tyndall, who will command the 38th Infantry Division; He was involved in the founding of the American Legion.

Indiana Army National Guard

After World War I, the National Defense Act of 1916 codified the National Guard as a permanent part of the United States military. In 1921, the final amendment authorized the National Guard to "maintain the names, numbers, and other forms, flags, and records of the divisions which served during the World War." Stout Army Airfield was established in 1926 and served as a World War II headquarters. Indiana Guard Army Air Corps.

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When America entered World War II, the Indiana Guard was once again federalized. Camp Atterbury was established in 1942 and trained thousands of soldiers until the end of the war. The 38th Infantry Division was activated at Camp Shelby, MS and served in the Pacific from 1944-1945, earning the nickname "Avgers of Bataan".

After World War II, the Army debated the need for a separate National Guard, and finally decided in 1947 to maintain the dual status of the National Guard. Since 1947, the Indiana National Guard has had federally recognized status. Indiana Guard units served in the Korean War and the only National Guard unit to see combat in the Vietnam War - Company D (Ranger); 151st Infantry Regiment Earned the name "The Indiana Rangers". Company D was recognized as the spiritual successor to the Indiana Rangers, which had been formed prior to the statehood of Indiana. During a year-long deployment to Vietnam, "Delta Company" was awarded 510 medals for bravery and valor.

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